Thursday, May 17, 2012

My message to the world!

I strongly believe in the power behind the way we think,both positively and negatively.

If we want to be successful in your lives,we have to transform our mindset.

Therefore,if we will change everything will change for us.

Thank you,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When it comes to success you have to remember that it comes down to one central belief: you can control the environment around you. In other words you do not have to accept your circumstances; you are allowed to rise above it all. You do not have to get involved in drugs or gangs; you do not have to give up just because you have made a turn that took you down a disastrous path or two. You have to realize that life can be easy as long as you remove the obstacles put in place by your family and where you grew up. That means sometimes you are going to have to do things that are not usual for you in order to get what you want; and more importantly you are going to need to understand that sometimes you are just not going to get what you want, exactly the way you want it.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Real Deal

The Real Deal

                                    “Doing the same thing over and over; but expecting a different                                             result is the truest definition of insanity.”
                                                                                                Albert Einstein

Ask anyone anywhere and they will probably tell you that they would love to be successful. Whether they believe that it is money or fame or just a comfortable life, we all want to be successful. The question then becomes, why are most people not successful in life? Why are there people that spend their entire life struggling just to survive? Since some people are born without some of the advantages, it would be easy to say that it all comes down to circumstances and some people do not have a chance just because of where they were born. The problem with this mindset is that there are very successful people from all walks of life and with many different upbringings.  I would be one of those people.

If you spent some time learning about successful people and their lives, you would find a reoccurring theme: they got to a point where they stopped listening to the negativity around them and started moving towards what they wanted. No matter what. No matter who told them they couldn’t do it. No matter how penniless they were. While nothing happens overnight, once you start to focus on what you want instead of what you do not want, you will find that things begin to move in the right direction for you. Then it is just a matter of not giving up on yourself, and making sure that you do not put limitations on anything… including a timeline. Have you ever found yourself saying, “This is it. If I don’t make it by the end of the year, I quit.”? This is the complete opposite of the mindset of successful people. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, so why is it horrible to wait just a little longer if your current goal is what you really want.